Central Valley Electric is a member-focused electric cooperative dedicated to personalized quality service for its members and the economic vitality of our community.
CVE Vision Statement
Co-op History
Central Valley Electric was incorporated June 23, 1937 and energized its first lines in October 1938. CVE received its first loan from the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) for $90,000.
Central Valley Electric is "Member Owned" and its sole function is to provide reliable power at the lowest possible cost coupled with the best in customer service.
Our members are represented by a seven-member board of trustees who are elected to serve three year terms. Just as in the past, the future will hold many challenges for the board, management and employees. It is CVE's goal to meet those challenges and to keep members needs as our number one priority.
For more information check out our annual reports.
Service Areas
CVE's service area primarily covers the rural areas of Eddy, Chaves and parts of Lea and Otero counties. Service begins 35 miles north of Roswell and extends south of Artesia to Brantley Lake and then southwest to just north of Carlsbad Caverns.
To the west the co-op's service area covers Eddy and Chaves counties and a small portion of southeastern Otero county. To the east the service area covers Eddy and Chaves counties and extends into a small segment of west-central Lea county.
The very northern and western parts of Artesia and all of the small communities of Hope, Lakewood and Loco Hills are served by the cooperative.
Central Valley Electric Cooperative does not provide electric service service inside the the corporate areas of Roswell, Dexter, Hagerman or Lake Arthur.
Touchstone Energy Cooperative
Central Valley Electric Cooperative is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative. Touchstone Energy - the national brand of electric cooperatives - has core values that consumers have long associated with cooperatives: Integrity, Accountability, Innovation and Genuine commitment to their consumers.
Electric cooperatives across the United States launched the Touchstone Energy brand to represent the advantage of locally owned and controlled electric service, which is rooted in the direct link that electric cooperatives, like CVE, have with their members.
By pooling resources through the brand with other cooperative utilities, CVE will be able to provide member information and awareness of their services as the electric utility evolves.